Another update: DS and I met with history teacher yesterday to discuss classroom procedures and planner use.

Here is what I observed:

--DS has absolutely no clue which information on the board is relevant to write in his planner.

--The way the teacher writes on the board is difficult to decipher (it's not labeled and is in shorthand, requires making inferences)

--DS behaves like a creature I've never encountered in these situations. He seems extremely wary/guarded and gives non-responsive answers to my questions.

--It was clear to me the teacher wasn't sure exactly what I was doing there (LOL). I told him I wanted to go over classroom expectations so I could review them with DS and reinforce.

--I did my best to advocate by explaining to teacher that it would be very helpful to check for understanding by asking DS to explain/show that he understands, because DS will not ask for help and will say he understands things when he doesn't.

--I also explained that DS is always a few steps behind and to expect that he will not respond as quickly to "pack up your backpack" or "take out your worksheets" as other kids do, and that this is not defiance, but a disconnect.

--I asked the teacher where students are to turn in completed work and his system is for the kids to hand it directly to him. I told DS he should hand in everything (at least for now) because if it's non-graded, there's no harm. I am wondering if DS is a little intimidated by this teacher and it makes him anxious to approach him directly like this.

Any thoughts?