Originally Posted by spaghetti
Eco, do you have buy in from DS? Does he understand and believe basic concepts like "grades are important"? I ask because we are going through similar but different issue and we do it EVERY.SINGLE.YEAR. DS has dysgraphia and he just does what he thinks will work and it's other people's fault if it doesn't work. And he doesn't make up work when given the opportunity because "it's the beginning of the quarter. I have time".

When we don't have buy in, we get more resistance. So, I put in much less effort to finding a way for it to work and talk and talk and talk and have consequences at home to get buy in. GOtta go. more later
We have "buy in" in terms of he understands if he doesn't maintain a C or above in every class, he is out of his program. He wants to stay in the program because he likes the school and his friends and he would have to leave.

Buy in on the planner? None. He doesn't understand its purpose, or how it would be useful, or why he needs to do this. Nor can he explain why he doesn't--although he recognizes my frustration, and apologizes with lots of hugs and "I love yous."

He is also very fatigued by the end of the day and is hard to engage. He seems to have a real need to check-out and "introvert" for awhile after school, but if I give him that option, it's really difficult to re-engage him.

He is not objecting to doing homework but there hasn't been a lot, yet. At this point, the big problem is that in one class, he is not turning in his completed work. I see a couple of other red flags (short responses to questions that don't explain enough), but when I walk him through "what the teacher expects," he is willing to go back and elaborate.

It doesn't seem like a compliance/defiance issue but a disconnect.