I'm bumping this because I don't know what to do right now.

Can anyone advise on the "not turning in work" issue? Right now, it is one class. Not just homework, in-class assignments are stuffed into the binder and not submitted. DS cannot explain his process.

We (I) am scanning and emailing everything in this class and so he is receiving credit, but this is a mess.

His grades are fine but wouldn't be in this class if I weren't doing this.

Also: the "initials in planner" accommodation, evidently, is a problem because the coordinator said so--she said DS isn't doing this and is being sent back every study hall to get initials. I just ended up saying "we can remove that accommodation if it is unnecessarily irritating." To which she replied: "no, I think we should continue, maybe he will eventually get it." Okay--but can we not call it a "problem," then? <--this makes me assume that the teacher is annoyed and doesn't want to do the accommodation.

The same teacher in whose class DS isn't turning in completed work is the one he has for study hall and who is responsible for checking the planner.

DS turns in classwork where there is a system in place but my guess is that is a teacher prompting the whole class. I don't know what's different about this class. We are going to meet (teacher, me, DS) next week to reinforce classroom procedures. DS can't tell me anything useful.

I am reading Smart but Scattered but can't find anything about this particular, extremely frustrating, difficult to understand issue.

*If* he ends up with an IEP (and I won't be holding my breath), I think someone at school can help with this. In the mean time--I don't know what to do. He has agreed to read the Smart but Scattered book with me to strategize.

Should I just resign myself to scanning every piece of work he does in this class, not being able to understand what he writes (when he writes) in his planner, not being able to communicate with him about it, and just doing damage control?