Originally Posted by eco21268
I think he needs direct instruction/support at school (as in, an IEP goal) but since we don't have that--what can I do in the mean time?

I agree. And you can ask for that to be put into place even before the IEP as part of an RTI process (response to intervention). They may say no at first, but I would ask them about RTI and see what they say; it should be on the table.

(And of course, if it works, RTI says they should keep doing it.)

At minimum, a check-in at the end of the day to make sure (I mean *really* make sure, not just ask him) that every piece he needs to bring home comes home. On flash drive etc. if not on paper.

Really you want this in study hall, too, so that he knows what he's supposed to be doing and starts to learn to check for himself.

Originally Posted by eco21268
I am 100% certain this is an attention/skill-based problem but that doesn't make it any less frustrating. And, worse, I can't even tell if he understands why this is problematic.

I agree; this is crazy-making. These are buildable skills, but only with direct instruction and support-- otherwise he will continue to flail.

With empathy,