aeh, you have no idea how helpful your post was. Truly. Simply the fact that you have survived multiple children like mine (including the verbose-wiggler model we both have!), flourished, and maintained a professional career gives me hope. smile

I'm sure you and others detected a strain of desperate perfectionism in my posts. It runs deep in my veins. I know cerebrally that I'm not seeing the forest for the trees on this matter. I lack a mental model for how functional multi-child gifted families look and am trying to force my only-child concept on it clumsily.

Polarbear's post gave some excellent perspective about how giftedness evolves within the same child over time. It made me realize that there are probably more moving variables and unknowns involved in this decision process than I'd realized, or can even be expected to account for.

What is to give light must endure burning.