Giftedness didn't enter into it. Yes, DD was intense, but parenting was intense and exhausting for other reasons that had nothing to do with her LOG, and in fact, her LOG may have actually made those other factors better, all in all.

By the time we were ready, it couldn't happen-- and really, when we began to consider methods to make it possible... we realized that our family was complete as it was, and that we were already well beyond the limits of "complicated" that we could manage. We didn't really feel the pull to have another. Not enough to make it happen. I'm glad now, though it's not without some wistfulness as my child's firsts are also our 'lasts' in each instance, which is harder as a parent than most people understand.

Still-- our life with DD has been quite a juggling act, and the strain has been extreme at several points. I cannot fathom how much more complex our college considerations would have been for our 15yo had we been considering the needs of a 6-7yo as well, for example.

I would not have chosen to have an only, being one myself. Then again, DH feels very strongly that there are definitely worse things. And he's not an only. {ahem}

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.