Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
Not sure how far outside of academics I really want the school to wander, reading through DS6's Student/Parent handbook last night I already feel like I've fallen into a Pink Floyd song.

You know, I've really learned it depends on the system you're in. I've seen numerous schools where unfortunately the administration makes the decisions, scheduling, program and curriculum choices for the TAG program and has their normal counseling staff work with the GT kids. Few if any of the administration has any background in TAG education or counseling.....all while having multiple fully certified TAG specialists on staff and who would better understand, direct, and counsel those TAG children.

On the other hand, I've also seen schools with administration who are wise enough to surround themselves with great TAG specialists and let them do what they were trained to do, what they know, and what they do well and simply provide backing.

All too often with administration, it's a case of them not knowing what they don't know but feeling they know best.

Last edited by Old Dad; 08/29/12 09:02 AM.