It's so hard to be 13, even without the challenges she has. Do you think her disability has any issue with her inability to acknowledge her own achievements?

My dh has always been quick to dismiss or minimize his accomplishments (which is infuriating). He claims it's because he's always been really good at lots of things but not great at anything - this from a collegiate athlete who also can play nearly anything on the piano by ear AND can instantly transpose the key. I think some of his comes from having a PG older brother. His parents were careful to never compare the boys and always really emotionally supportive of his endeavors. He says he never believed his parents' praises were genuine because "they were obligated to praise me. I suspect this issue is made worse by his intense perfectionism. He measures himself to the elite in everything and falls short.

Oddly, my family was very "so what?" about talents /accomplishments. My family's favorite joke for me was, "She cheats in school." But my self esteem is miles higher than dh. Not that we're adopting this technique for our kids. No way.

Last edited by Evemomma; 08/23/12 12:05 PM.