Originally Posted by islandofapples
Ugh. This reminds me of when I was around 6 years old and my mom dropped me off to hang out with a classmate. The parents were drinking beer and mockingly telling me to show them how well I could dance to their Bon Jovi music. I was in dance class at the time. Even at that age, I knew what they were doing was messed up and that I was being mocked. I was in dance class and I don't think their daughter was... There was a jealousy element at play (maybe because I lived in the nicer neighborhood or maybe the mom just didn't like my mother) and they were trying to bring me down a notch. I was 6!
They might not have been acting in a mean-spirited way, but just lightheartedly letting you know that they recognized certain differences. I'm reminded of the South Park episode Chicken Pox, which explained how we can live in harmony with such people:

Mr. McCormick: (saying grace) Lord, we thank you for this staggering payload of frozen waffles you have bestowed upon us. And since we have been faithful to you, we know you will send us some good fortune, one of these days, even though you sure as hell seem to be taking your sweet time. Amen.

* * *

Kyle's father: ... Kyle, we humans work as a society, and in order for a society to thrive, we need gods, and clods.

Kyle: Gods and clods?

Kyle's father: Yes. You see, I spent a lot of time going to law school, and I was able to go because I have a slightly higher intellect than others. But I still need people to pump my gas, and make my french fries, and fix my laundry machine when it breaks down.

Kyle: Oooohh, I see. Gods and clods!

Kyle's father: That's right. So Kenny's family is happy just the way they are, and we're all a functioning part of America.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick