Originally Posted by Wren
Thanks for the feedback, right now that is one answer. I hope someone answers that has experience going forward in the grades because I would really like to know.

As someone mentioned elsewhere, no shoe fits all and gifted curriculum isn't necessarily a size fits all, though the peer group is nice.

And maybe the unschooling approach is a great way to supplement.


We are certainly not fully unschooling, but I would also not categorize us as hardcore school-at-home types. We do lots of outings, lots of hands on, camps, classes, plenty of books of all kinds. We use a math curriculum (religiously) and a LA curriculum (loosely). We own other curriculum, but use that even more loosely. School is 1-3 hours 4-5 times a week. My 3rd grader tested 3-7 years ahead of grade level in every area this spring doing open ended K-12 testing. And this is a kid who was not wildly ahead in kindergarten. He had lots of knowledge and facts but nothing that would shine in a typical kindergarten. My kids have amazing peer groups through various sources.