So I guess that in me, we have proof that what you consider to be a vital skill won't necessarily be created by this mighty embarrassment force you mentioned before.
I never said that it couldn't happen. I just said that I don't think it happens in healthy people, and a total disregard for learning basic self-care skills strikes me as pretty unhealthy.
I think that elevating one's baking over the history of the human race shows a lack of proper priorities. But then again, we need bakers just like we need historians, and garbage people., to get back to the point, your assertion is simply untrue. There is no embarrassment factor that encourages people to teach themselves civics when they don't enjoy it, or anything else for that matter. People will learn to dress themselves to avoid embarrassment, perhaps. But it was a nice try!
Perhaps I should have mentioned that I self-taught math through algebra without the aid of textbooks.
Which means, by extension, that everyone will, to avoid embarrassment if necessary. That's how it works, right?

In fact, if any shortcoming of any person becomes apparent, they correct it to overcome their embarrassment-- and if they don't, they're simply one of the unhealthy ones. It's simply impossible that someone would either fail to teach themselves something they weren't interested in in the first place, or fail to be able to teach themselves whatever they wanted without any help-- as long as they're healthy, anyway.
I see it all very clearly now.
But it absolutely is true that many people do not need math skills.
But we must all bake. And I respectfully submit that if you can't dress a deer, you are a failed, sick person.
there's nothing wrong with that if it allows one to lead a happy, fulfilled life.
I certainly don't want my kid to feel happy and fulfilled being a garbage man. If one aspires to something greater and winds up with a steady paycheck doing less, that's one thing; but no one would feel happy and fulfilled with such a menial job, though they might find satisfaction in other aspects of life. Most parents don't want such lives for their children. Although I suspect I am about to hear how that is somehow unhealthy.