Originally Posted by Wren
I did ask a question that no one answered and it was a serious question. Since so many of us are dealing with trying to get acceleration in the school, for those of you unschooling:

Do you find that your child is now testing way above grade level on the state tests?

Anyone? I would like to know if it works for accelerating the curriculum.

In our case our child was testing many levels out prior to the beginning of calling anything schooling and that continued through home/unschooling. So, I'm not sure I can really answer the question.

I have heard parents of gifted kids who were removed from school for homeschooling/unschooling, comment with absolute shock how fast their kids started progressing at that point. Part of it was probably that the kids were already past grade level. The other part was once all of the time wasting parts of school (line up, busy work, stuff that was not at the right level, etc.) stuff is removed kids who are engaged can progress very rapidly.