I can get other people to make me eggs and toast.

You think I should be embarrassed, but please take my word for it that I'm not in the slightest; I never took Home Ec. class, etc. either, and wouldn't in any parallel universe if I could have avoided it. So I guess that in me, we have proof that what you consider to be a vital skill won't necessarily be created by this mighty embarrassment force you mentioned before.
I guess that as has been noted previously, different people place emphasis on different things. I would think myself neglectful if I sent my children off to college without what I consider to be basic math skills at that level (which are higher than basic counting, quarter fractions, etc. needed to be an event planner or baker). But I guess that it's not really necessary to have kids that are ready for college, either-- we've got to have some event planners and garbage people in the mix.