There's probably just as many unambitious kids and disinterested parents in one crowd as another, but I forgot... Was the original quiestion about how unschooling could work in general for many families, or was it a question of wether one family could count on exceling at unschooling? �(before the quiestion of the lazy negligent parents came up). �
I'm interested in an itemized overview of unschooling as a whole. �There's the parental supported, unforced, and child-led. �What else? �
I'm iffy on the unforced defined as completely uncoerced. �I'd buy into the unforced if guided as described here by sprinkling selected educational enticements around the house. �When everyone says they encourage and enable I'm led to believe unschooling encompasses gentle guidance and a subtle cultivation, just with a more attentive focus on the Childs natural progression.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar