I think what we have been doing for the last several weeks (since my son had to start wearing a painful scoliosis brace) might be described as unschooling and he is still learning. He asks me to read to him from history books and magazines like Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Discover and National Geographic while he plays video games. He says it takes his mind off the pain. He has always learned best by reading or having me read to him and discussing what we read. He always asks a lot of questions and since we are not on a school schedule we can take the time to find answers. He doesn't have to do a lot of writing which I think would turn him off to learning because he also has motor dyspraxia and dysgraphia and hypotonia. Low endurance for things like writing was a problem before but pain causes him to fatigue even faster so we have a lot of things to work around right now. His handwriting is legible and spelling and vocabulary have never been a problem for him, but he can't write as fast or as much as other kids, so he learned to type and he can use his Livescribe Pulse Smart Pen to take notes.

He plays educational games to learn anatomy and vocabulary and Japanese phrases on his iPhone in bed at night when he doesn't have to wear the brace. He also likes to play things like physics based puzzle games while I read to him.

The brace makes it hard for him to do the things he did before because it limits his mobility and he has to wear it during any kind of weight bearing activity for the next 5 or 6 years. I would like for him to get out more but there isn't a lot for him to do in a small town where all boys do sports.