Originally Posted by GreenGully
And if it comes out of the blue then I know of lots of stories of young adults who, when motivated, are able to complete most of highschool science curriculum in a a few months with no trouble.

This is the belief/justification often cited in the homeschool/unschooling community and I have to say I don't buy it. It seems to have almost the ring of urban legend to me. Being able to catch up enough to overcome years of being behind in order to get to the place where a kid could possibly be admitted to college? Sure, I buy that since most colleges take nearly everyone who applies. What I don't believe is students doing absolutely nothing in science for a lifetime and then in a couple of months getting to the point where they are capable of being admitted to a study at a high level and do well.

It seems at the very heart of this magical never work but it will all come to you is an overgeneralization error based on early milestones. It is the belief that aha the kid learned to talk and read and didn't have to be taught so aha they will be able to learn everything else in the same instantaneously seeming way.

Learning biology, chemistry, physics isn't something that happens instantly as a result of development. Rather, they require study and practice. Granted fast learning gifted kids on their own may get there much faster than the pace of a traditional curriculum. That doesn't mean though that it is something that really happens for anyone without some degree of effort and time. To believe that all that matters is the desire to learn and the attitude that now you want it and then it will happen quickly reinforces the exact message that is bad for kids. It is the message that what counts is your innate talent not how hard you work or the time you put to a task.

We homeschooled all the way through. Most people would describe us as unschoolers but I'm not invested in the label. There are great homeschoolers and unschoolers out there. But, I will also be honest and say I don't think the media would have to look far to find kids who aren't going to be well prepared for adult life (and I'm sure they wouldn't have to look hard with schooled kids either). I'd like to say every example I've seen of unschooling was fantastic, but in reality I've seem middle school age students who were illiterate and lacked basic elementary school skills. Maybe they'll overcome it or maybe they won't.

I certainly see that PG kids can skip steps and can make leaps and bounds that will astound parents ,but I suspect most folks will find this happens less and less as their children get older. But, when it comes to mastering upper level course content parents I believe parents are kidding themselves if they think a kid can go from illiterate to college ready in a few short months if they put their minds to it. I understand why this belief would bring comfort as it absolves parents of all responsibility and worry. I do not believe though it is based in reality.