Originally Posted by Wyldkat
Can someone please explain how unschooling can actually work and the child still learn the basics they need to survive (reading, basic math, legible writing and readable spelling)?

Oh yeah, I forgot. �I've also read that if you're going to be over-staffed and underfunded then yeah, you're going to need a lock-step cookie cutter curriculum to be able to teach thirty different kids in your class every year. When it becomes just you taking over the responsibility for teaching your own two or three children everything they need to know every year you have license to be much more flexible. � That's why I keep asking 'what makes it unschooling'? �Following a child's lead just makes it be called self paced, if they're learning the same thing as everybody else and the end goal is the same. �What makes it suddenly this new thing called "unschooling" unless it's completely letting go of all expectations, dropping out of the rat race, living off of society's mental grid? �That's what's so confusing, if the end goal is the same as everybody else's, if there is an end goal, then �that would just be homeschooling, plain old-fashioned regular self-paced homeschooling. I agree society's got bigger problems than dictating how a few people should raise their own children. �

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar