Originally Posted by Kriston
Though I would also say that while 99% of the parents of kids in traditional schools want their kids to be educated, that's not happening either.
Totally agree here.

Originally Posted by Kriston
I freely admit that not every homeschooler is doing a fabulous job. (Thus #5 and #6 are on my list.) Under the circumstances, that wasn't where my focus was.

My thought is that let's say these kids that are inadequately prepared went to school (public or not) and were not homeschooled. I would argue that their parents do not value intellectual pursuits, would not support their children academically, and they are likely to come out of the system unprepared anyway. Plenty of kids come out of the school system with no ability to write or apply critical thinking skills. It's not the kids with involved parents that spend the weekends at the libraries and museums.