Originally Posted by La Texican
�But that's a different thing than saying the process of unschooling produces better college students. �

Maybe what it gets down to is "unschooling" is really quite a vague term and people use it to cover all sorts of different approaches. While I'm not in any way invested in the label, unschooling is probably what most people would consider the most accurate way to describe our child's educational path prior to college. I will say that I strongly believe elements of his unschoolingish education gave him a much stronger preparation for college than I believe he would have gotten with a more traditional school education or with a school at home type homeschooling approach. By directing his own education he learned a great deal about managing his own time productively and developed incredible confidence in his ability to tackle subjects independently. He takes full responsibility for his own education and is not expecting someone else to tell him what to do and how to learn. I'm sure there are people who develop these same skills in other ways, but knowing him, I doubt he would have as quickly without the sort of freedom and responsibility he had with a flexible child led education.