Lucounu, I have completely lost track of what your objecting to. I suspect you have too.

Are you saying people won't learn anything unless they have a strong internal drive, or a good external reason to do so? No argument there, I just think a child's natural drive to learn is stronger than you obviously do. I also believe that external forces don't have to be a big stick. If a child really wants to do some career that requires maths, they have a good reason to learn it. So? I don't see the problem.

Are you saying that it is impossible to learn things in adulthood that you missed out on in childhood? I don't think that's what you're saying? That doesn't make sense either, there are plenty of examples where that isn't the case.

Are you saying only unschooler neglect their children's education? I doubt it. Go to any school and you will see plenty of nelectful people who send their children to school (sadly true).

Are you saying it is an excuse to neglect the child? That may happen in some cases. People use all sorts of things as excuses. The warped reasons of a few sad cases doesn't an argument make.

Are you saying unschooling won't work for every child? Again, I have no argument with that. Parents need to be able to pick what they think will work for their children. That's what parenting is. Isn't it?

Is it something about the actual method? Do you believe the curriculum as taught in schools is somehow immutable? Or that there is some sort of guarantee that a child going through it will recall it all? If that was the case, why would it different from state to state, from country to country? There are also many things not taught at school that are useful to know.

Is it the lack of testing? Because only when tested do we know something is learned? Because kids tested on Monday will never forget by Friday?

Is it concern about that children will miss out on an area of experience that they may have enjoyed? It's possible. But going to school, or following a curriculum is not a cure for that, in and of itself. Many people discover things they love that were not taught in school.

Is it something else? Please enlighten me.