http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Parenting/video/extreme-parenting-radical-unschooling-10413158 An article accompanied it at the time, but I could only find the video.
2. I thought the video started out well. They had a garden, they were probably learning about science, etc.
3. The bottom line of the video seemed to be "kids don't need rules or chores." "eat whatever you want, don't brush your teeth if you don't want to, don't learn anything if you don't want to."
4. I would like to again emphasize that I don't think the whole premise of "unschooling" is bad, but simply that I don't think it is a good idea for most kids. Once again, I think it is a great idea for the kids that *are* going to seize the opportunities of learning that they get.
5. About the farm, I'm just saying, if the kids *do* want to learn at the farm, great, that would be cool. But in the video, it just looks like they buy some eggs.
And as was said by no5no5, I think this news story seems to be biased in the "unschooling is an crazy idea" direction.
I think unschooling would actually be wonderful for my daughter if she wanted to do it, but she has friends and believe it or not, more opportunities for learning at school (at least she's said that). If she were homeschooling though, I think she would plow through all sorts of subjects and use the system to her academic advantage. In the video, the kids didn't seem like they liked math, so they didn't do that.
I guess what I'm asking is, do any of you guys exclude subjects solely because your child doesn't want to do them? And if you don't, is it really considered unschooling?