Yup, we're justice-lovers here, too. We tend to play games with no winners or losers or we play typically competitive games without keeping score. It suits our temperament better than competing. I'm not opposed to healthy, friendly competition, mind you. I was a jock when I was growing up. But I think focusing on competition at too young an age isn't very healthy.

DS6 went through a competitive phase, but don't most kids do that around age 4 or 5? He threw tantrums if he lost a board game, and he bragged about being the smartest one in his class (ugh) and raced to finish reading more books at preschool than his friend, but he didn't so much care to compete otherwise. Happily, this phase passed quickly!

So for my part, FWIW, I suspect competitiveness is a developmental phase. I certainly don't think it's necessarily a sign of giftedness, especially past age 4 or 5.
