Locally, heterogenous grouping doesn't start until 8th grade. High Schools are much larger than the other schools. These two work together to ease things for the 'high rate' kids.

Another difference is that abstract thought is starting to be expected in Middle School and High School. This helps our kids tremendously - I would go so far as to say that kids regularly get slammed in elementary school for bringing up questions that involve abstract thought. It is seen as 'unnatural' and a time waster.

Older kids can attend summer programs, year abroads, travel, do boarding school - yup - more options - including early college. Personally I want to be able to met my kid's academic needs local to our home for as long as possible.

Also - older children are more mature, better able to suffer through the hard times to get the rewards of their favorite activities - academic OR social.

Good question OHGrand!

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