Great advice ladies.

My oldest found the hardest thing about skipping one grade was being smaller than his peers during adolescence (they all suddenly grew a foot taller and hairier). Skip early and try to avoid the "bridge" years between elementary and Middle school or middle and high school.

My second son who also skipped once finds it hardest to be the youngest in his class and still the smartest. I wish I could convince his to skip again, but he's determined to "not be a freak".

My 3rd son only stipulates that he doesn't want to skip to be in his older brother's class (or above).

Gaps can be filled. Do you really think the kids going through the class will retain it all anyway? Besides, I've found that the first 9 wks of school is basically review of previous material to "refresh" their memories after summer, especially in math. High IQ kids should be better at retaining and faster at grasping. Ideally, compacted curriculum would be preferable, but since that's usually not possible, the skip(s) is a good compromise.