Originally Posted by Wren
Question, I thought one of the "characteristics" of the gifted child was competitiveness? Or is that what they call the drive to learn?

((Humor Alert - Did 'Questions' Post? I missed it? Where are you, dear?))

Ah! is competitiveness on of the characteristics of giftedness?

I've seen that on those check lists, but not IRL. Lovely to think about though - here's my personal take on it.

I think that competitiveness, when it occurs in gifted people, can be part of their OEs and quite intense. I also think that androgeny is more common amoung gifted folks, so that women who are competitive-natured are more likely to express it in ways that are traditionally reserved for men if they are gifted.

Justice-loving is also on the check lists, and while not universal, certianly something I see IRL. For males, in this culture, at this time, it is especially difficult to be Justice-loving and competitive both, although my DS certianly is a breathing example. For DH, he is fiercely competitive but only with himself, so he says. He hate games. For me, I would say that I've got a 'dominant' type personality, with the Ahisma, that I usually enjoy competition if it's clearly for 'fun' and all the participants are enjoying the 'thrill and agony.' I do get a special thrill from beating my adult male family members in chess. Different from the excitement of playing younger players and celebrating what a jam we've gotten ourselves into. I think that blend is more allowable with this time and place's female role expectations. Health Care is a great field for we who have both because we have permission to do a lot of 'bossing around while helping/doing good/ and teaching all in the same day.' Certian Immigrant and Working Class perspectives help us loud females a lot as well. My grandma was the Mamma ruling the home, wooden spoon in hand, delivering dinner and disipline with the same impliment. My own Mom is more colleged, but the temper and attitude of the rightful ruler is still there, when there aren't any guests around to see.

What I don't have is the need to prove that I'm good through making pointing out that someone else is less able. I sometimes mourn my lack of this because it makes me feel so out of step with others. Why can't I get with the program? But that is rare. Usually I'm sure I'm on the right path, at least for me. See, Dominant, but not competitive. I definitly feel good when I feel I've made the world a better place, even if only slightly, even if for only one family.

So there are my thoughts on competition. I love to hear more about the role competition has played in the lives of your family members.


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