Originally Posted by Grinity
Justice-loving is also on the check lists, and while not universal, certianly something I see IRL. For males, in this culture, at this time, it is especially difficult to be Justice-loving and competitive both, although my DS certianly is a breathing example. For DH, he is fiercely competitive but only with himself, so he says. He hate games.

At the beginning of each school year, I let GS's teachers know some of the difficulties GS has had to go through. Not to have him let off the hook, but to ask them to apply discipline knowing he might have different motivation for his actions. One of his traits is 'Justice Loving'. I had assumed he had this trait due to being treated badly as a toddler. His teacher this year identified that trait, and a few others, as GT traits. He is also competitive and really hates losing so we've had to work on who's version of 'Justice' he is going by. This teacher also has an 8 year old daughter in the math GT program with GS, so evidently she has first-hand experience with GT kids.
This board has been useful in trying to separate out what are inborn traits of a GT child and what might be learned behaviors.