But then what is this forum about? We talk about gifted kids needing challenge. What if they feel average if they are with a bunch of other gifted kids? In my opinion, and experienced, they will work harder. They will develop the skills and study habits the average kid develops to get good grades in the run of the mill school. Kids like me, who didn't have to study to be top of the class, develop terrible study habits, there isn't that competitive edge to push yourself.
There is a private gifted school in Brooklyn. I toured it this fall. It is progressive, no tests, no grades (and the kids get into all the top colleges without grades)and it is suppose to provide a non pressure environment. This school I am talking about is progressive until 6th grade, then they go to rote learning. But they found you have to. But I am not an educator. Just participating in this discussion as a diletante.
