Originally Posted by Nik
"Parents of gifted children who do not have ADHD will quickly say for instance, "oh, yes. She's passionate about reading, and when she reads, she's as unmoving as a stone. She would read for hours if we let her, and she is unaware of virtually everything around her" Such a child is very unlikely to have ADHD"
What about hyper-focussing? My DS10 can sit and read for hours as above, and is *completely* unaware of everything around him. On the other hand, he has almost all the ADHD traits Mich described so well above (organization, attention shifting, staying on task, completing projects). And his VCI is 42 points higher than his PSI. I'm planning to discuss the possibility of medication with our pediatrican next week.

LotsOTots5: my DS10 has done very similar things with frozen water!!