one test that my son was given, among many, was a computer based test of concentration, where the child is required to concentrate on something pretty boring. He is very VERY active. He has trouble listening, but can focus when things are of interest (his interest, not mine, of course). He did 'average' on this test, and this helped confirm, along with other information, that he does not have adhd (although many strangers have kindly suggested it! wink
Just mention it in case your testing did, or did not, include this test...I can did up the name if you like.

I also don't get 'medicine or homeschool' as the only options; doesn't adhd usually mean a child can't function well anywhere? if they are only having issues at school, isn't that a red flag that something at school is an issue?

(The phrase 'well they definitely qualify for medicine' is a very odd way to put that too, imo)

Hang in there! It does take time to process all of the info from one of these assessments, so give yourself time to do so.