Originally Posted by Nik
Thanks Verona, I have downloaded some sheets on good sleep hygiene. It seems now that the weekends are the biggest problem since she has no legit reason to get up early. (Hopefully, soon a job will cure that :-)). The Melatonin seems to help her get to sleep earlier but not sleep longer, so instead of sleeping 1am-7am, she sleeps from 10:30pm - 4:30am(!) I am thinking we will try the melatonin just on weekends/holidays to help keep some sort of schedule when off the meds.

Sounds like 10:30 pm was too early for her to go to sleep and that's why she woke up at 4:30 am (same thing happens to me if I go to sleep too early). I was told to start by deciding when I needed to wake up (say 7 am), then decide how many hours of sleep I needed (say 7.5) and calculate the appropriate time to go to sleep from there (11:30 pm) and not to go to bed earlier, even if I wanted to!