Originally Posted by Nik
I She doesn't want to take the Melatonin regularly because she is afraid of getting addicted to sleeping pills...if anyone has links to studies that show otherwise, that would be helpful.

Hi Nik,
Melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces when it gets dark out and it makes you sleepy. It is not addictive and is not a "sleeping pill". There haven't been too many long term studies of its use, but the ones that I've seen don't show any problems with taking it regularly. Some studies have also shown that kids with ADHD and ASD make less Melatonin than others. Melatonin is also used with visually impaired people, since they don't produce the hormone in response to changes in light. My pediatrican had no problem with my son taking it regularly. It is not a prescription medication (at least in Canada).