My ds10 has adhd and is on medication. His PRI score is 43 points higher than his PSI on the wisc-iv. He has never been behind in school but has never really gotten ahead either. His main issues seem to be with organization and staying on task. He is perpetually messy and without medication he basically requires me to hold his hand and direct him to whatever needs to be done.

I've asked him to clean up a spot of jelly on the carpet 10 times this morning and each time he gets to the kitchen to get the towel and cleaner, he gets sidetracked by the cup of snow he's had in the freezer for 3 days. The first night he tried to melt it with a laser pointer. Then with a laser pointer and magnifying glass. Then he resorted to the microwave. Then he refroze it in the freezer. Then he melted it again. Then he drank it. Who says kids with adhd have no attention span?! He's been entertained by a cup of water for 3 days!!!