Well, here is an update: the official diagnosis was....(drumroll)...

"significant cognitive processing deficits in the areas of executive functions" (no surprise there), and despite "average to above average academic achievement in all academic areas", "ADHD, primarily inattentive type", "pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified" and "situational depression" typical of students attempting to cope with learning or attention control differences. And although criteria was met for borderline Aspergers, it was determined that the overlaps most likely were actually due to ADHD.

So, after much angst and many discussions with family and our physician and against all my previous beliefs, we are...GASP, GOING TO TRY MEDS. (turns out I was a bit wrong about the family medical history).

I am scared to death, and at the same time so hopeful...please wish us luck (I'd appreciate prayers of any kind too!) - we start tomorrow.