Thanks for the heads up about headaches Mich, so far it was just the one, but I'll be monitoring that.

She is actually sleeping more consistently than I can ever remember, albeit only 6 hours a night (1am til 7am) but she falls asleep and stays asleep on a schedule that is functional, so - added benefit! We are going to try melatonin to help her get to sleep a little bit earlier.

Verona, the diagnostician raved about adderal xr that her DD22 was taking, so I assumed we would get that but they aren't the ones to write the prescription. My DD had an annual check up scheduled with her Dr. the day after we got the report, so I brought it just to discuss, and before I knew what was happening, I had a prescription in hand. We got a generic for Ritalin, probably because our Dr knows I have a terribly high deductible insurance plan that wont pay for meds. Apparently, the generic has less side effects too so - bonus! So if we stick with these, it's only $20.00/month, much less than I had feared.

Honestly though, I really wish I could go back in time (to when my DD was younger and had more faith in my judgment) and really give the fish oil a chance. I would do an experiment: test DD with the number recall exercises and record her responses, then give her 2 Nordic Naturals Omega-3 fish oil gels daily for a week and then re-test and see if there was a significant improvement.

I have been taking the fish oil pills for a couple weeks and I feel great, happy and energetic, could be placebo effect, but I have the pills and they are good for the heart so I figured why waste them.