Here is my melt down confession from 8th grade to go with Dottie's broken door. I was deep into reading some novel (Tolkien, I think)in my 8th grade language class. I would have been reading overtly in that class, as the teacher did not care. Part way through class the teacher decided that we should have a spelling bee and sent us all up to the front of the class. When we misspelled a word, we were supposed to go back to our seat. I had left my book on my desk and I really really wanted to get back to it. So when it was my turn I misspelled my word (intentionally, of course) and was sent back to my seat where I happily continued reading. But then the teacher realized what I was up to he made me go back up. I, of course, misspelled the next word that came to me, but he wouldn't let me sit down. So I picked up my book and stormed out of the room and went into the bathroom to read. Aside from feeling pretty embarrassed once I calmed down, there were no actual consequences, but in retrospect I feel really bad about the tough situation I put that poor teacher in.