All right miss Dottie, the least you could do is SHARE your great underlining knowledge!! :-) (ya know I'm joking here right????) I can't believe you shattered a door!!!!!! LOL!

acs said "This may be where my ambivalence about challenging my kid comes from. If I had been working to my academic potential I might not have gotten my treasured permanent hall pass!" Too funny that they gave you a permanent hall pass. I would have LOVED that. Sorry you had trouble with your skip too. My sister has turned out all right too so at least it didn't leave too many permanent scars.

Kathi - my boys sound just like yours and it frustrates me so much. They want to do/learn what they want to do/learn and they just don't care that much about the rest of it. I always enjoyed learning just for the sake of learning but they aren't like that. They are thrilled to learn about whatever they are interested in, but they rest they can take or leave. That is hard since a lot of what they have to do in school is not what they love!!! I'm thrilled when their teachers do some fun science kit or some extra exciting math project though instead of just the same old, same old. At least there is enough of that to keep them engaged and interested but they definitely don't love it all like I did.

Trin - Neither of my boys are "act - outers" in school. My older one lives in his head much of the time. I see him in class (I work in the room once a week) and he'll appear to be engaged in what the teacher is saying but I know by the dreamy look on his face that he is off somewhere in his head and not paying a bit of attention to her. It worries me that he isn't more attentive and I am trying to work on that, but it is hard for me to know what to do as I am so opposite of that. It's always something I guess!! :-)

Last edited by EandCmom; 12/02/07 08:25 PM. Reason: to clarify