Originally Posted by Mia
I guess my point is, for children who pick up information quickly and efficiently, does a one-year grade skip make a difference in the long run in the absence of an on-going acclerated curriculum?

Mia - it's a great question. The answer is that sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't, but if it hurts, and the child needed it, you can add more, and if it hurts, and it is truly "too much" you can switch to another school and decelerate, or do a year of homeschooling and decelerate. If sports, scholarships or siblings aren't in the picture, and the Iowa Acceleration Scale Manual has been satisfied, and the child isn't happy/learning to learn, then from what I've seen, an early skip is a nescessary, but not nescessarily sufficient, thing.

What worries me, is reading books, such as "Picky Parents Guide" that say, "DON'T GRADE SKIP YOUR CHILD - unless they are really unusual, such as the top 98%" and I think, "top 98%?" If only my kid was that 'usual.'


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