"Mia, when you say "end of first grade", what are you basing that on? If you are using GE's, then it's really not that unusual for a kid to start 1st grade with a GE considerably higher than 2.0. If you are talking about mastery of 1st grade material though (85th or so plus percentile on 1st grade material), then the child would be ill-placed. But those are two very different scenarios. "

Dottie -- I'm talking about his WIAT grade equivalent in spelling -- it was 1.8. So no, it's not particularly unusual, and you're right -- I misspoke about him having "mastered" that material. I should have said that he's got a good head start on it for a kindergartner. That was his lowest score.

I guess my point is, for children who pick up information quickly and efficiently, does a one-year grade skip make a difference in the long run in the absence of an on-going acclerated curriculum?
