And I always like to point out that an unhappy, bored, frustrated kid isn't likely to make friends easily or get picked early for kickball teams either. Finding a "good enough" educational solution often makes the social thing work out, simply because the kid feels happier.

Steering him toward sports like baseball (as you're doing) or soccer where size isn't as much of an issue is probably smart. If he's likely to be small regardless of grade, he's probably not going to be playing football or basketball anyway, so skipping him may not matter as much as you fear it might.

Beyond that, our biggest reason--rightly or wrongly--for not sticking with the public school and pushing for multiple grade skips is sports. I'd rather find other ways to help our DS to get what he needs at this point, since sports matter to him. So I know where you're coming from.

It's all so much to think about, isn't it!? Sometimes I feel like my head will explode! We do the best we can, and remember that you could always de-accelerate (decelerate? deccelerate? How's that spelled?) him if you need to. Kids are adaptable. And thank heaven for that!
