I wish that homeschooling were an option for us ... it's just not. We work and cannot afford to homeschool at this point, though that may change. Also, I'm just not sure that homeschool is the best option for my Benjy; he's *very* social and loves to be around children. But I so respect those of you who do homeschool! I wish we could do it because it seems like a great solution for kids like ours.

As for radical grade acceleration in the schools ... I agree that a "one year at a time" is probably the best route. However, I'm hesitating at a grade skip now, or even next year; yes, he'd be in first grade, but his very lowest test result put him at the end of first grade right now, and all the others are mid-second grade and up with no formal instruction at home whatsoever. So he'd be in first grade, doing the first grade curriculum at a standard first grade pace -- which really isn't what he needs. How is that any better than kindergarten, really, given that he has that knowledge mastered already and can pick up new information extremely quickly?

I'm just worried about my little guy's long-term happiness! He's my only child ... I've thought lately how much *easier* it would be if he were not so advanced! Of course I'm happy and proud of him, but man -- this opens up a whole new can of worms, doesn't it?

Pacing, I think, is key when working with these kids -- and teachers aren't typically keen, I've found, on having a lesson plan specifically for one child, particularly if the child is already ahead!
