I'll beg to differ on radical is the only way to go.... DS is doing quite well with one year and there is a light year's worth of difference that that one year has made so far.

I'll also caveat that with: this probably would not be true in any other school, but at our school, there is a light year's worth of difference between 2nd and 3rd and between 3rd and 4th.

Never make generalizations. Oops....

As for DS, the first skip (and only one so far) was at the school's insistence, although we didn't fight it. That skip put him in 2nd grade.

The next spring, a psych recommended a double skip. We looked at her reasons and also looked at the 3rd grade teacher and found that while the psych's reasons were sound, the 3rd grade teacher was something special. DS needed her. (She has taught a PG child before!) With poor organizational skills, DS has been very much challenged by moving to fourth grade this year with his class. (They have a different teacher for each subject. While the material may not be as challenging as I would like, he is finding it interesting despite the level.)

As for next year.... we might consider a skip next year if everyone agrees - but we'll see. I'm not sure I see it as needed right now.


P.S. The psych based her recommendation on the fact that DS was performing 4 years ahead of his grade when she tested him. If we moved him up 2 grades, he would still be two years ahead. That would ensure good grades, but it would also give some likelihood of challenge. Her point was to keep in mind that performing at grade level is basically like being a C student. To be an A student, you want to be 2 grade levels ahead.
