When did you know your kids were ready for a skip? Was it based on a teacher or schools recommendation or was it your choice?

When we had back to school night we were given the outline for the school year and a page on what requirements have to be met by the end of 2nd grade. I almost laughed when I saw the END of year requirements. dd had already exceeded those in 1st grade (and earlier) so I was a bit disappointed to see that even before school started she could pass. She's in the highest spelling group, and even that is way too easy, the highest reading and highest math. Now I will say that she is learning some new things this year which she hasn't been exposed to yet: social studies, geography and some science. But because she is an extremely quick learner she breezes through those as well. While they do accelerated work with her, nothing in school is challenging for her. It comes very easy. At the same time, she doesn't seem bored. She loves her teacher and is happy. So at what point do you start thinking that skipping would be needed or even beneficial?