Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
I tried to edit my post but it will no longer let me do so. mad WHy can't we go back and edit post? What if you put in info that you later decide is too personal and want removed?

I wanted to preface my post with "this is the story of my child. This post in no way insinuates or suggests what you should do for your child or that your child's situation is similar to my child's situation. This is how *my* child reacted to boredom/under-challenge over the course of 3years. I am not implying there is a direct correlation between boredom and IQ, in fact I think there is little correlation. I think it's more about the child's learning style and personality and how that matches the school/teacher."

Hello - we just tried updating some settings so that all users will have access to edit their posts within one month. If anyone has any questions, please send me a private message. Thank you.