I think you are misunderstanding my points, G3. Suffice it to say that I have no opinion whatsoever on your child's boredom as a specific case. I don't know your child. When I said "you" I intended it in the generic sense. In context of my post, it comes after my DS's story, so I thought the generic was understood. My mistake, and I'm sorry for the confusion.

You and I have had this same misunderstanding in the past, so please assume in future that I am NOT making statements about you personally. It's just not something I will ever do. You have my word. I use the word "you" in the generic sense a lot. I will make a concerted effort not to do so in response to your posts. But if I slip, please point it out to me and I will edit the word out to avoid confusion. I will never comment specifically on how you are raising your children. I understand--and have understood for a long while now--that such comments are not welcome from me.

I do not want such small things to distract, however.

My point throughout this discussion has been very single-minded and clear: boredom can cause real harm. Not that it is harming your child, or his, or hers over there. I don't know that. And not that it harms every child. I never said anything of the sort because I don't know every child.

But statements like the one that started this discussion, the same one Dazey noted:

Originally Posted by gratified3
What's the worst that can happen if a kid is bored for a while? I don't see that leading to catastrophic consequences or permanent damage.

This I refute, and I refute it in the strongest terms possible. I DO see it leading to catastrophic consequences and permanent damage in *some* cases. Most definitely! This isn't a statement about your child--though perhaps you intended it to be and that's the root of the problem?--this is a generalization about all kids. This general statement is what I was taking issue with.

You do not see this issue as I do. Fair enough. But none of that is about my judging you or your choices about your child. I am commenting on a blanket statement about boredom, not about you or your choices. That is all I was ever intending to comment on.
