Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
I've even gotten from many people "Well learning is not supposed to be fun." huh? or "School is not supposed to be fun." or "School is work."

Actually, I love it when people say something like this, Dazey, since I agree with this completely.

My next comment after agreeing with them, however, is to ask "So why is my kid not allowed to work?!" I'm not asking for fun. I'm asking for work! Preferably hard work! crazy whistle smirk

I think you're totally right, Dazey, about two different kinds of boredom. Furthermore, I don't think "lazing" as you're discussing, acs, is what school is for. If that's what kids are doing there, then I want mine at home for it! I think confusing work and healthy "lazing" at school is teaching very bad habits to a child.
