My computer "ate" my original response. frown

Here's the short version: we pulled our kids from preschool. They attended a total of 1.5 semesters, and we didn't like the changes we were seeing, especially in Boo. Also the comments from Boo's lead teacher during our parent/teacher conference were red flags for us. She told us that Boo spent over 90% of her time (by the teachers estimation) alone (where's the socialization there!) and after tellling us that Boo had mastered all the materials for the next year at the school and agreeing that it would be a better fit for Boo to be in with the 5-6 year olds she wasn't going to move her up, because "she needs to learn to be bored".

So we removed her from the school the very next week. We homeschool now and are loving it.