The principal has told me that DS11 cannot have slow processing speed because he finished a 6th grade standardized multiple choice English test in less time than his classmates. What?! DS11 tests at college level on that type of test! Of course 6th grade was easy and fast! Duh! And the principal has refused to schedule a 504 revision meeting and denies that there was ever a 504 plan set up for him. HIS WIFE DETERMINED ELIGIBILITY AND SET UP THE PLAN! Omg, don't get me started! He told me that processing speed can't be accommodated if he's not taking stimulant medications. I could sue the school or just walk away from the mess. I have DS3 up and coming in to the school system and his father is extremely anti-homeschool, so I'm more concerned about burning bridges than pursuing justice.

I'm looking at community college enrollment for DS11 next year. Harder classes and he can take fewer of them. I don't know if that's officially homeschool in my state but I've contacted the state's homeschool office for help.

My conclusions from thie school year are
1) don't reverse acceleration due to ADHD
2) underachieving is a big deal