Small update: first day of school. His teacher was not debriefed but seemed laid back and flexible. DS10 has a male teacher (new experience for him) and he likes his teacher.

The elementary school has a new wing for 5th grade so DS10 didn't feel the hallway situation was as "demeaning" as before - not exposed to younger grade teacher's "pandering" and "condescending" voices.

5th grade gets special organizational supports for prepping them for 6th grade - those supports are just right for his ADHD needs.

Today was low-demand day. The only class period they had was silent reading and he had a book he picked from the public library the day before. Socially was fine, he is seated between 2 boys he has gotten along with fine in the past. He had a positive attitude and upbeat report of the day (not surprising for low-demand and novelty).

Teacher reported no behavior concerns and mentioned specifically that DS10 smiled and said goodbye at the end of the day. (I'm annoyed when good manners surprise people.)

I know DS10's next math lesson I'm sending for tomorrow is an intimidating one - Completing the Square. We sat down yesterday and he picked which problems to do, about half the review problems. Today I had him start "enough so you understand it". He felt confident. So...... hopefully he can focus on his lesson and manage himself tomorrow. The class will be reviewing math facts.

Bonus, the 5th grade wing has a small room outside each classroom for pull-outs, group work. Potential quiet room for DS10 to work.

His acheivement testing with ACT Aspire starts 9/5 and is expected to tak multiple days. They're going to guess where he might be at and then work up or down based on his results - repeat for 4 different subject tests. His Woodcock-Johnson is not scheduled yet.

@indigo, I'm not worried about copyright because I'm copying materials I already paid for, am not distributing, and will destroy after use.