I think it would be very reasonable to ask them to test him starting from his documented completed coursework. At this point, he's had multiple courses in algebra I and prealgebra, and is part way through alg ii. Giving him the alg I end-of-course to begin with seems eminently sensible. Do you have any idea what kind of placement testing they do? We use some specific computer-based placement instruments for our incoming ninth graders. One I don't know the name of for math, and the SRI reading comp test. And we have them write an essay. If he's completed at least eighth grade level work in all core subjects, he should really be taking the same placement instruments as incoming ninth graders. Our placement instrument is reasonably effective at placing them into alg I or alg ii (we make almost everyone take geometry in tenth grade, because that's when high stakes testing occurs, and its logistically easier to schedule testing if they're all in the same classes--though several years back, we did have a freshman who tested into alg ii do so well that he was advanced to precalc in tenth grade).

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...