DS10 has a skeleton 504 in place, with intention to revise it as needed after acceleration.

He will be going to 6th grade "STELM" after Thanksgiving break, which is beginning of the second trimester. His english clas will be replaced with the STELM class, which is project based curriculum extension. Units are topics like robotics, cryptography. All the students are in the top 10th percentile. The school believes it will help him generate volume of writing and develop some EF skills.

He will be put in 7th grade math and science.

I accepted the offer saying "we don't know what is going to work, so we have to try something!". i don't want to push for academic match and have DS10 floundering from lack of executive functioning. I think that situation would limit my future power as an advocate for him.

I have expectation of a stepped acceleration. If he can keep up with organizational skills and improve his keyboarding, then I'll push for single subject accleration in math.

He did surprisingly poorly on the ACT Aspire. No word on the ACT scores, but the few things I've heard sound bad. He didn't use his time well and didn't finish one test. He gave up on another because he wanted to go home and filled in random answers.

I think his school performance will improve once he gets out of his current classroom. He's putting all his attention into social status, since he is the biggest fish in the pond right now. He's loving it, of course, but it's not beneficial for him long term.